
The Spine & Sports Rehabilitation Institute is dedicated to predicting, diagnosing and preventing pain from becoming a disabling disease. This state of the art outpatient clinic provides comprehensive pain evaluations and inter-professional treatment services for patients with difficult to treat and complex persistent pain.

Philosophy of Care

We provide individualized, holistic, and patient-centered care through an inter-professional approach. Teams work together to provide customized pain diagnosis and treatment, and may include specialists in various areas of pain management.

Our Mission

Our mission at the Spine & Sports Rehabilitation Institute is to provide high quality, compassionate care to people experiencing pain in a caring environment where they will be treated with dignity and respect. We are dedicated to providing our patients, their families and health care providers with a comprehensive education regarding our services and available pain managment resources.

Our Pain Program

Our pain management program offers the following diagnostic and therapeutic services to prompt the patient toward improved function and reduction of pain difficulties:

• Nerve blocks and regional anesthesia.

• Physical and occupational therapy intervention including exercise and strengthening.

• Medical management of chronic pain.

• Emotional and psychological support for pain.

• Patient and family education and counseling.